CSS Styles included with MIIS

If you don't use a template and serve plain HTML from the Markdown, you can set the default style for the resulting files by setting the cssfile parameter in your web.config:

<add key="MIIS:cssfile" value="~/CSS/github.css" />

I've included several .css files inside the CSS folder in the release folder of MIIS:

  • GitHub.css: the same styles that Github uses for Markdown files.

Github styles

  • markdown5.css: big typeface, very easy to read. By Jason Milkis.

Github styles

  • screen: similar to the previous one, with dark background. By Jason Milkis.

Github styles

And you can add yor own CSS file anytime. Simply add a CSS file anywhere and point the cssfile parameter to it in order to be applied.

Notice how you can change the CSS file used in each sub-folder of your site simply setting a different value for the cssfile parameter in the web.config file of each one. That way you can have the root folder files rendered with a style, and files in any other sub-folder rendered with a totally different style. You can even change the style used in a single file by setting this cssFile parameter in its Front Matter.