Configuring Markdown File Extensions

By default the most usual file extension for Markdown files is defined: .md.

However you can add the ones that you don't need, or add new one as easily if you want to.

Just open the web.config file and locate the system.webServer/handlers section. It looks like this in the default configuration file:

      <add name=".mdh HTML extension" path="*.mdh" verb="GET" type="MIISHandler.MIISHandler, MIISHandler" resourceType="File" requireAccess="Read"/>
      <add name=".md extension" path="*.md" verb="GET" type=""MIISHandler.MIISHandler, MIISHandler" resourceType="File" requireAccess="Read"/>
    <defaultDocument enabled="true">
        <add value=""/>
        <add value="index.mdh"/>

You can add extra Markdown extensions such as .markdown or .mkd as needed.

The .mdh special extension

By default (if not changed in the previous section of the web.config file) MIIS supports a special file type for pure HTML contents. Anything inside a .mdh file will be used un-transformed within the current assigned template. This is very useful for pages that need a very specific HTML structure, such as the main front-page of a site or any other complex page. With this kind of files you'll use HTML instead of Markdown to gain control over the final HTML and can keep the indentation of the code (in Markdown indented HTML code would be interpreted as a code fragment).

If you are using this kind of files and Visual Studio Code is your editor of choice, there's a simple way to achieve that VSCode will treat this files as normal HTML files, giving you Intellisense, Emmet, and all the nice features you love.

Just open your VSCode settings and add this node to the JSON file:

 "files.associations": {
    "*.mdh": "html"

Form now on, you'll get the normal behavior of HTML files while editing .mdh files too.

Default Documents

Notice the defaultDocument setting in this section. It defines the name of the default files to be served from your site. So, in the default configuration as seen above, it will serve the file without explicitly requesting it in any folder:

are equivalent to:

or even

You can change this name or add more default names to be used in the same order as they appear in this setting.